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In evaluating it was agreed with artist, staff and students that the last phase of the project was madness.  There was not enough time to spend on bringing the ideas of the lads together.  A dozen students all doing different work on digital/mixed media was enough to test a saint's resolve.  It was ambitious to try and achieve so much in such a short period of time, but it was simply that the project generated so much creative output.  At this point of the project more support could have been used to achieve the student's goals, or less time previously on the experiences they were enjoying.

The idea of an exhibition was voted by the lads of both groups and it was asked if the work could be shown in an art museum.  There was difficulties in uploading posts at school on the blog, because of firewalled systems, and ideally it would have created a more open free dialogue between staff, artist, students, parents and friends.  But, there was much excitement in the fact that the blog had gone global.  The blog became the pivotal documentation and evaluation device, and allowed all involved to see what was taking place at any time.  Both groups were competitive with each other and the aim was to harness that spirit through a collective installation which mapped the experience of going into urban environs and engaging people at work, and exploring rural ancient landscapes.

The school were visionary in taking a risk, allowing experimentation and play in order to explore the art of spontaneous experiential learning, stimulate individual and collective imagination and develop contemporary ways of storytelling.  The students were consulted in a review session and it was agreed that personal interests and skills were drawn upon and developed, resulting in visible confidence, clarity in sharing ideas, writing accounts, drawing etc, together with a stronger sense of working as a team.  A whole host of responses could be followed up, english, geographic, historic, art, languages, drama, mentoring, etc.

An exhibition space is being resourced in the town to link up with the Westbury Arts Festival Sept 2011, and it is hoped for the students to present their individual and shared input to the project with the participating and general public, other schools and parents and friends.  Work shown will include this blog, photobooks, two films, sound recordings, music, drawings, documentary film of the process of the project, a Facebook page, artists & students photographs.

Social engagement artist is not well recognised as an art form, but one of the clear outcomes of the scheme was for the students to understand that art can bring about change, can make a positive difference.  Some of the students demonstrated low self esteem and did not believe anyone would be interested in their work, so to see students excitement when over one thousand views were achieved in the space of three months was hugely worthwhile.

Who said never work with children and animals!!!?   As lead artist being led by a group of 13 year old lads, I enjoyed every single minute, even the eye bulging moments were an education.  It was made possible by working with a teacher who is visionary together and with Bev (teacher's assistant) who was hugely supportive, got involved and made things happen, together with other creative individuals and agencies.  We worked as a team, and a sense of humour is vital... as this is all definitely extra curricular. As I said to the lads, you realise my job was really stressful - why Jill, they asked, because I replied, it is very difficult to take photographs when one is laughing so much!

Meanwhile, what is going to happen to Rabbit, Clown and the Black Sheep in the future?


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Syllabus del Curso

SYLLABUS DEL CURSO TECNOLOGÍA DE SEMILLAS Profesor: Julio César Salvador Franco. 1.      CÓDIGO Y NÚMEROS DE CRÉDITOS. Ø   Código: AGN 801 Ø   Créditos: 4 (cuatro) 2.      PRERREQUISITOS Y CORREQUISITOS. Ø   Prerrequisito: AGN 305 – 504. Ø   Correquisitos: AGN 802 – 803 – 804 – 805 – 806. 3.      TEXTO Y OTRAS REFERENCIAS REQUERIDAS PARA EL DICTADO DEL CURSO. Ø   S. Gallego, C. Andrés. 2011. RECOLECTOR DE SEMILLAS SEXUALES DE CACAO. Universidad Católica de Pereira. Colombia. Ø   M.R. Jaramilo, O Martínez. 2011. PRODUCCIÓN DE SEMILLAS ORGÁNICAS.  Sociedad de Fomento Agrícola de Temuco. Chile. Ø   M. Álvarez. 2011. MULTIPLICACIÓN DE PLANTAS DE PLANTAS: UNA GUÍA ESENCIAL PARA CONOCER LOS DISTINTOS TIPOS DE MULTIPLICACIÓN Y SU CORRECTA APLICACIÓN EN EL INICIO DE UN CULTIVO. Editorial Albatros. Buenos Aires, Argentina. Ø   Macchi L, Rincón S, Ruiz T, Norma A, Castillo G. 2010 . SELECCIÓN Y MANTENIMIENTO DE POBLACIONES. UNA PERSPECTIVA PARA LA CONSERVACIÓN

Plan de Curso

PLAN DE CURSO TECNOLOGÍA DE SEMILLAS INFORMACIÓN GENERAL DEL CURSO 1.1           Identificación de la Asignatura Código                         : AGN-801 Nombre completo       : Tecnología de Semillas. Número de créditos    : 4 (cuatro) Blog                             : e-mail                         : (contraseña: tecnologiadesemillas). 1.2           Identificación del Docente Nombre                       : Julio César Salvador Franco Localización                : Guayaquil Profesión                    : Ingeniero Agrónomo IV Nivel                       : MBA (en curso) Teléfonos                    : 096663964 – 042817811 e-mail                          : PIN                              : 227D31CB DESCRIPCIÓN DEL CURSO. La asignatura de Tecnología De Semillas permite al estudiante conocer sobre las diferentes act


a autógama o alógama de una especie, no depende de cómo y dónde pueda formar gametos, sino de cuáles de los gametos se unen entre si para constituir el cigote. La diferenciación entre autógama y alógama tiene gran importancia, ya que los métodos de mejoramiento aplicables al grupo de plantas autógamas son, en su mayoría, diferentes de los que se aplican a las especies alógamas. La diferencia más importante entre estos dos grupos consiste fundamentalmente en la estructura genética de las poblaciones, es decir, a la endogamia o exogamia (alogamia) que presenten dichas poblaciones. EI que una población sea homogénea o heterogénea y heterocigota u homocigota depende principalmente de la forma de reproducción de la especie; pero más bien, depende de la manera como se haya reproducido durante las últimas generaciones. - Especies autógamas Las especies autógamas son aquellas que se reproducen por autofecundación, es decir, los gametos que se unen para formar el cigote proceden